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GPR Live | Complex Case Series – Multidisciplinary management of alaryngeal voice problems, managing the hyper- and hypotonic voice

GPR Live | Complex Case Series – Multidisciplinary management of alaryngeal voice problems, managing the hyper- and hypotonic voice




Tracheoesophageal speech by means of a voice prosthesis is the most common method of voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy and carries the highest success rates. Complications can often be prevented or managed successfully with timely and proper attention. This webinar provides an overview of complex case reports associated to voice-prosthesis- and puncture-related adverse events. Also the management of hyper- and hypotonicity to achieve optimal voice outcomes and voice-related quality of life will be discussed.

Timed agenda
0-5 Welcome
5-25 Causes and surgical aspects
25-45 Therapy options using Videofluoroscopy studies
45-65 SEA study results
65-90 Q&A

This webinar will be available in three different time zones:

Session 1 09:00 AM – 10:30 AM CET:
Sign up

Session 2 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM CET:
Sign up

Session 3 07.30 PM – 09:00 PM CET:
Sign up
